Green Haven Simulator Loft at Green Haven Golf Course Anoka MN


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Green Haven Simulator Loft at Green Haven Golf Course Anoka MN

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Golf Simulators

We have two state of the art HD Golf Simulators in our Green Haven Simulator Loft. The loft is a 2,800 square foot room above the Tavern at Green Haven. Play some of the most famous courses in the world. It never rains or snows in the loft. Available for private parties, company team building events, bachelor parties, birthday parties, etc.

Green Haven Golf Course & Event Center is located in the heart of beautiful and historic Anoka, Minnesota.
• 18 Championship Holes
• A park-like setting within easy driving distance to all major metro areas
• First class banquet facility
• Golfer’s Grill and full service bar
• All carts GPS equipped
• Playable for the high handicap player while providing a solid test for the single digit handicap player

 NEW INDOOR GOLF LOUNGE. Play all Winter on the new SIMS.

(763) 576-2972